Monday, June 21, 2010

copy and pasted from muchloveilly

here's the little greeting card we made for daddy...this is from my big sis's blog,

p.s. check out her etsy shop...really cute stuff!:)

to the best daddy in the entire universe.

since we couldn't all be there to celebrate with you in SC, we thought we'd bring your three favorite daughters (or as we used to say dafters...and of course, favorite son-in-law) together via blog-world. i think you know how we are your biggest fans, so this day is even more of a reminder that we love you, daddy! we are crazy about you. you werethe first man we ever loved - and you were the first man to ever love us. no one will ever replace that special place in hearts for our daddy.

thank you for being the example that each of us needed to know what to look for in a future boyfriend/husband. thank you for telling us we looked pretty in our dresses. thank you letting us sit on your lap and hugging us when we needed to be hugged. thank you for being sensitive when we needed to cry. thanksfor the boy-advice. thanks for teaching us how to drive (and yet you have one more of us to teach). thanks for always loving mom. thanks for making us all laugh at the dinner table. thanks for making dinner-time a priority in our home. thanks for putting up with being the only boy in the family (well, until pey-pey and brandenberger came along, of course).

and most importantly, thank you being the Christ-like example of a father and a friend to me and my sisters. thank you for leading and loving our home. thanks for especially loving God, and in your love for God overflowed in your love for the family.

and so daddy, we wanted you to be reminded of how thankful
we are for you and how much love you!

so with no further ado...

Like what was said so long ago on a voice-recording in a hallmark card,

you have been the best dad in the world,
we LOVE you!"

From your crazy three dafters and son-in-law,
Ilene, Kristine & Ryan, and Ashley Grace

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