Monday, March 15, 2010

Rainy mopey days=project days!

I'm realizing more and more just how much I hate to be lazy. I'd rather be exhausted and busy with stuff to do, than lazy on the couch with nothing to do. So, I guess you could say with the dreary mopey days we've had lately, i've been going a little crazy. I'm fighting a cold, couch, and headaches, which doesn't help much either-oh well, gotta keep moving anyways.

Saturday mornings, I seem to automatically pop up at really early. i try so hard to sleep in since it's the one day I can, but I can't seem to do it! So i get all my cleaning and cooking done, and I have to say, I love my early mornings of quietness and bliss, complete with my Bible and coffee (which just seem to go hand in hand quite nicely!) by the time my husband gets up, I'm able to serve him a hot breakfast of sausage, eggs, rice, and juice; and have the bathroom, kitchen, and living clean. Only when things are clean, can I relax.

Sitting on the couch only works for me in these two situations:(1) early morning when i have my cuddle blanket, my Bible, and my coffee, and (2) in the evening with my husband after all the dishes from dinner have been washed, the kitchen has been cleaned, and the floors and bathroom are clean. Only then, can I enjoy an evening on the couch-and even then, i need to be doing something. (sometimes I wonder if I was ever that ADHD kid that I seem to have to put up with every day now:).

Which brings me to the point of this blog post: projects. I love to come home in the evenings and relax after a long day, but like i said, i can't keep still without doing anything for a long time. I like getting things accomplished, so it works for me to keep my hands busy when I'm relaxing. I went to a store in Souix City called "Hobby Lobby" which I had never heard about til i moved here. I think my sister ilene would go crazy in there. It's the nicest and biggest art store I have ever seen. I have never been on to do art projects, but art seems to be calling my name recently. I purchased items for 3 projects I have in mind-and i'm so excited to get started.

Maybe I'll blog about them, maybe I won't. We'll see. I guess it depends on how i think they look:).
this is kinda how the days have been...muddy, dreary, and wet. Oh well, we still have a thankful heart:)

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