Sunday, June 17, 2012

Three weeks with Daddy

I don't think I can express how thankful I am to have gotten three weeks with daddy in the United States, Ukraine, and Paris. 
I was once again reminded of his character, his heart, and his passion for the Lord.

Daddy, I'm so glad to have had the last three weeks with you.
I loved watching you experience and admire the country that stirred my heart for ministry years ago.
I'm so glad for the unique opportunity we got to go to Ukraine and Paris together, with Ashley, and Ryan.
It was a blast!

Also, thank you for being the incredible dad and husband to our family. You raised our standards high for what to look for in a man. You're the first man I have ever loved!
Thanks for how you love mom. I love how you put her first and it's evident in all that you do how much you love her.
Thank you for always looking for those opportunity to share the gospel...your goal in life is always to win souls for Christ-I love and admire that about you! 

Love you daddy! 
I am so very thankful for you!


ilene @ muchloveilly said...

amen and amen and amen! i love that you guys experienced this together. and these pics are awesome! woohoo for an awesome dad!

Ginger said...

So sweet!