Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oh, Betty Crocker, how you've helped me so.


Dear Betty,
You've helped me feed my man and make his tummy happy. You've helped me cook well balanced meals that both of us enjoy. We love all the variety you have in your beautiful pages-and all your brightly colored pictures makes cooking easier and more fun.
I loved how you got me interested in healthy, low-fat cooking. You provide all the calories that are in each serving and you make it sound so easy to do. All the recipes have turned into amazing and delicious meals and have made dinner time talk SO enjoyable:).
I like all the categories you provide for easy to find recipes on the many different kinds of food, from baking to grilling to quick and easy meals. I LOVE how you showed me how to make vegetables SO tasty, that even my husband eats his veggies.
You've showed me the joys of cooking for my little family; you've helped me spark my love for cooking good food. I can't tell you just how fun it is to try another one of your recipes, and how much more fun it is to serve it to my husband and watch him eat it AND enjoy it.
I just love how you helped me as a newly wed wife, with no cooking experience at all-and now how I just love it and am actually quite good at it. Just thought I should let you know how wonderful it is to know you.

Love of food, Kristine

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