life was not meant for sitting around and watching movies all day.
unfortunately, that's alot of what i've been doing lately.
sunday i slammed my head between the car and door.
pretty hard i might add. both sides of my head.
so hard, that it's wednsday and i'm not feeling any better than when i first slammed my head.
my head is swollen on the inside. (that's what the doc said after he squeezed it and asked if it hurt).
a couple weeks for the swelling to go down.
now, how did i do such a thing?
i couldn't tell you. cuz i'm not even sure how i got my head stuck between the car and car door.
all i know is that i felt stupid.
and i'm wasting time laying on the couch.
i hate feeling lazy.
i tried going to work yesterday.
but the parts of it that i love (being with the kids, getting hugs, talking to people, teaching) were painful.
it made my head throb more.
especially when i had to bend over to talk to a lil person or do my duties in the lunchroom or recess.
and walking around the whole day made me want to puke.
so now, i'm back in my same spot.
icing my head with a bag of frozen berries.
i'm getting bored.
but hey, as long as i'm sitting still, i feel ok. but that doesn't give me many options of things to do.
oh, but look! i love that our new couch is cozy and has a lovely chase.
it's perfect for laying on and curling up on with a blanket.
our lil home is getting a little cuter:)
[see my lil corner? i'm getting to know it really well this week!]
it's definitely feeling cozier-it's not just a big empty room anymore!
with this spare time, i've been putting together a wishlist of things to cutify my home.
a circle rug.
picture frames.
a wall chalkboard:-D
a couple more lamps.
all in good time. one thing at a time.
anyways, i guess i'll go back to my icing and resting.
hope you're having a great wednesday!
kristine, it looooks so good! not your head, the apartment. not that your head doesn't look good - but that does stink you slammed it again, who knows what...? but seriously the living room looks so good. love it!!!
love all the colors and the laugh sign!
Wowww. You slammed your head in the car? Oh my!
ps-I love the couch!!!
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