I think this trip to Ukraine will always hold a special spot in my life because I got to share it with my family. From traveling to working alongside them, it was a huge blessing.
You've gotten to see about mine and Ashley's days in Ukraine since we worked and lived together, but here's the other side of the trip.
Ryan and my dad were in the city of Vinnitsa working in the orphanage.
It was soooo cool watching them both love the place that God first stirred MY heart.
Traveling with them was a treat!:) I haven't ever traveled overseas with my husband before, and it'd been about 11 years since I traveled overseas with my dad or ashley!
(Detroit Airport...got to show my family the place that Ilene and I met up with Tim Tebow in 2009!)
(First time in Holland-even if it was only the airport!:))

Plane rides with family is a lot of fun and just more comfortable. With family on 8 hour flights, you can sling your leg over to their seat, use them as pillows, or snuggle with them through stupid movies aka, "This means war.";)
Both Ryan and dad preached during their time in Ukraine.
I didn't get to see Ryan preach at the Maximovicha church in Vinnitsa, but dad came to the village to preach in the LItin church, so I got to snap a pic of him from the stage.
Daddy and Ryan worked with the dental team in the orphanage. They did $60,000 of work on these kids and a month's worth of dental work done in FIVE days. God's hand was definitely on these procedures and the kids at the orphanage were troopers as they got so much dental work done!
Dad was nicknamed, "Mr. Wonderful" because his Xray pics got better and better each time.
While in Ukraine, I saw my husband less than I saw my dad, but each time I saw him, I was so excited to talk about our experiences!
While I was in the village of Litin, Ryan was working with the kids at the orphanage.
Can I saw how incredible it was to see how his heart was drawn to this place and with the same kids that I fell in love with? There's something amazing about seeing the man you love, falling in love with you very own passion. It's like two worlds colliding and belonging together.
It was so so so cool seeing him get to know and treasure these kids.
Here's dad in Litin.
Here's dad prepping for his preachimony.
Our day together exploring Vinnitsa. I've been all over this city in years past, but it's been years since last doing it, and it was SO much fun doing it with my family.
My dad always seems to find non-believers to talk to.
His passion and goal in life is to share the gospel, lead people to Christ, and disciple them.
So, it never surprises me, when in a whole city of Ukrainians, he would find the TWO people in mormon clothing that are also from America, and try to witness to them...:)
I got the quick chance to share my most favorite spot in Ukraine with my family.
Here in this spot, I've had Bible studies, discipling young believers, friendship bracelet making, and girls outings out at this very spot for my most favorite coffee drink in the world, the KRISTINA. (yeah, and wouldn't you know it'd be named just that!:))
I knew before I left that I just HAD to share my favorite spot with my family, and I got the chance to do that briefly.
Here we are at the Roshen Factory water and light show...
and Ryan and I back together again in Kiev, Ukraine on my birthday!
and that's the brief look on my time with dad and Ryan in Ukraine.
They lived together at the Bible College, which is also the place that Ryan taught college Bible students in each night there.
The next part of our trip, we all got to share together, in Paris, France!