some moments that could only be captured with my phone.
since the my cameras were no where to be found.
but how convenient to have a camera on the pull out at an instant and "click."
it's fun to pull it out at an instant and have fun recorded:)
let's see...
random memories.
1. our first walk together in storm lake, last fall.
we had just moved here.
i was amazed with the crops and the rainbow.

i was hired to go on a nature walk with the kids.
they ended up having me play dodgeball most of the time,
and then being the caboose of the hiking group.
4. awww, i remember this one. this was during winter,

and it was my first auction i'd ever been to.
i stayed for hours to get a bid on this lap and we got it!
(and the chair. ryan loves his chair.)
i think these both made the flood? i'm not sure...
5. our home during the winter.
i do NOT look forward to these months.
first time in my life to ever dread Christmas;).
i hate the cold.
i miss the south.

6. si si and baby during one of my paperwork trips with the Teh family.
my first instinct was, "AUGH! where's the hand sanitizer?!?!"
and then i was more like, "fine, i'll take pics, but don't give me the bunny...:)"

8. oh, haha, this is me pre haircut. i had a mullet/japanese ninja haircut.

9. right before we left for Kansas...this storm was brewing over Storm Lake.

9. right before we left for Kansas...this storm was brewing over Storm Lake.

10. at the insurance office after flooding. luis came with us and found all the thomas trains.
he had a blast.

oh and the googly eyes.:)

11. coffee/slushee date with these two:) special special young ladies.

it was a beautiful day.

12. me and Baby, isn't she darling??
well, that's all for now. i just wanted to post these lil pics before i wiped clean my memory card in my phone.
what random phone pics do you have?